The 2024 game show "Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity?” has already sparked excitement and curiosity among fans of trivia-based television. Hosted by none other than NFL superstar Travis Kelce, this new series brings a fresh and fun twist to the classic format, offering contestants a chance to win up to $100,000.
Each contestant faces elementary school-level questions, but they are not alone in this educational journey. They have the help of a classroom full of celebrities. Sounds easy, right? Well, it may not be as simple as it seems. The first episode, airing on Prime, has just been released, and viewers are buzzing with anticipation.
Are You Smarter Than a Celebrity? How the TV Show Works
"Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity?” is a quiz show with a unique premise: Contestants face questions based on elementary school curriculum, from first grade all the way up to sixth grade. The challenge is simple but also nerve-wracking. Contestants are asked eleven questions from subjects like math, science, social studies, and more.
With each correct answer, they can climb the money ladder, with cash prizes ranging from $1,000 to $50,000 for the elementary questions. However, the ultimate challenge lies in the sixth-grade question, which offers a staggering $100,000 prize.
The twist that keeps everyone hooked? Contestants are aided by a rotating lineup of celebrities. These stars, however, might not always know the right answers. This creates plenty of comedic moments and suspense, as we watch both contestants and celebrities struggle with basic facts most of us have not revisited since grade school.
Travis Kelce, known for his charm and larger-than-life personality, adds to the entertainment value as the host.
How the Game Works
In “Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity,” each contestant answers a total of eleven questions. These questions span a wide range of subjects, pulled directly from elementary school textbooks, covering grades one through five.
However, the further a contestant progresses, the harder the questions get - and so do the stakes. As the contestant moves from a $1,000 prize question to the $50,000 question, the tension builds.
The fun part? Celebrities are there to help, or maybe not help, depending on their own knowledge. While some celebrities might be experts in certain subjects, others might struggle, leading to hilarious moments of confusion. The collaboration between contestants and celebrities often becomes a test of quick thinking and a bit of good fortune.
Contestants must be at the top of their game, and if the celebrities can help, it might just be the difference between winning big or going home empty-handed.
What Subjects Are There?
In each episode, contestants face questions from various subjects. These subjects are drawn directly from the elementary school curriculum, giving it a nostalgic touch. In the first few episodes, we have already seen contestants tackle topics ranging from third-grade music and fourth-grade art to fifth-grade computer science.
For example, how many of us remember the intricacies of first-grade social studies or second-grade grammar? These seemingly simple questions often turn out to be tricky, leaving both contestants and viewers scratching their heads. The mix of subjects and difficulty levels keeps the show interesting and dynamic.
And don’t forget! The hardest sixth-grade question is where the real challenge lies. Answer that, and you could walk away with $100,000.