Whether you want some extra cash at hand or want to be able to pay rent without asking your parents, a job is a must for everyone. If you are a college senior then a job is something you should search for. It won’t be long till you graduate and you’ll need to step into the industry that you’ve worked so hard for.
The main thing about jobs, especially in the field of finance or technology, is that employers start hiring earlier in the school year, which means you should be on the lookout and getting ready to land your job. Due to the pandemic, the job flow has gotten disturbed so you can’t rely on getting a job after you graduate. Hence, you have to start the hunt early, and the following are some tips to help you in your job search.
1. Envision The Job You Want To Work In
Most of the time, people graduate and they still have no idea what kind of job they want to do, and what kind of work they are interested in. So, you need to know about your interests. You can talk to one of the career counsellors at your college or you can also start searching on the internet and/or social media groups that will give you plenty of information and will help you envision the job you want to work in. Another good way is by connecting with experienced individuals through LinkedIn or Indeed. It will not only add to your networking points but will also give you an idea of what a certain career would look like.
2. Take A Visit To School Career Centres
Colleges have career centres, which provide information and resources to students who are about to apply for further studies or are about to start their job-search process. Whether you want to talk about your career future, write your resume, or even practise in a mock interview, your college career centre will always be there for you.
3. Revise Your Resume
You can start by reviewing your resume and updating it with your recent coursework(s), recent job experience(s), and skill(s). You can look up ways to make your resume better and make it more appealing to the hirers’ eyes. You would always want your resume to make a lasting impression on the hiring committee.
So, are you ready to send out some CVs?